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BT-Flocculant is a newly made coagulant having the capacity of cation exchange, adsorption, oxidation and reduction. This product can decolorize and purify wastewater by electroplating and printing and dyeing. It is more effective than other coagulants in the capacity of decolorizing and removing COD. Generally speaking, removal of Cr6+、Cu2+、Zn2+、Ni2+ and other metallic cations can reach 99% above. The decolorizing capacity isespecially remarkable when it is usrd to handie wastewater by reactive dyes and cation dyes.

BT-Flocculant is a newly discovered product home and abroad.



Index Commodity PH Size(Mesh) Cation Exchange
Capacity meq/100g
Recaoval of
BT-1 5~6 80 >32.0 >90.0 /
BT-2 5~6 80 >18.0 >85.0 >99.0

Operation Instruction of Flocculant

BT-1 and BT-2


The quantity demanded for treating printing and dyeing wastewater should be depend uponits classification density, Generally speaking. Each to of waste needs this product 0.5 to 1.0 kilograms. It is advisable to make a beaker sampling so as to determine the optimum amount, To add in this product in the Form of either solution or solid powder are both acceptable, And it takes 5 to 7 minutes for the two reactants to mix thoroughly. Thusly, best results will be effected with less amount.

The optimum PH value should be in the range of 8-11. If the PH is lower than 8, regulate the value with lime cream solution (10Be), then add in this flocculant.

If the wastewater is mainly by cation dyes, 1put in the flocculant 2stir thoroughly for 5 minutes 3regulate its PH to 8-9 The decolorizing capacity will be more effective.


  1. Stir the electroplating wastewater in the regulating tank and mix the cations of Cr6+Cu2+Zn2+Ni2+.
  2. Before the wastewater is released into the reaction tank the PH value requires around 2 to 3. If it is outside this range regulate it with used acid.
  3. Add in this product while stirring the wastewater constantly. (Youd better dissolve the product at first). The quantity pat in is depending on the density of cation Cr6+, The optimum ratio between the chromium and the product equals to 30 to 1 (in weight).
  4. Stir the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes till the yellow colour of Cr6+ faces away.
  5. Adjust the PH to mixture for 5 to 10 minutes.
  6. Stir again the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes.
  7. Release it into the precipitating tank for sake of deposition. One to one and a half-hours later. The clear water in the upper part can be can be discharged or recycled.


Copyright 2001 LINAN EURO-CHINA Co., Ltd. Last modify: 09.18.2011 Questions about our products,
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